
Madison Council being asked to reject solicited bids

Madison Council being asked to reject solicited bids
The Madison City Council will be asked at its meeting tonight to reject all solicited bids for LED street lights at the Madison Public Works facility and the Madison Public Library.Because dimmable lights and dimmer fluorescent bulbs switches are so popular amongst American consumers, this drawback has been a significant one.

Director of Finance Lillie Causey has submitted the request to reject the bids which were opened May 18 and drew four bidders.

The evaluation committee, made up of the purchasing division of the engineering department and grant consultant Kristen Kulavich, reviewed all bids submitted by the contractors and determined the prices of all bids are "unreasonable (excessive) and it is not in the best interest of the City to accept any of the bids."

The evaluation committee requests the council to reject all bids and authorize the purchasing division to solicit new bids.

"They were just too expensive," said Council President Tommy Overcash.

In another finance department item, Causey asks the council to reject all bids submitted for the two knuckle boom loaders for Public Works which will no longer be needed.sale of LED for lighting applications.  Semileds is led lights only a minor palyer and should currently not be mentioned in the same breath as the other others The City Council awarded trash collection and disposal services for the city to Allied Waste Services of Huntsville on April 25, making the need for two knuckle boom trucks obsolete.

The City Council will also consider a resolution authorizing the mayor and city clerk to enter into an agreement with Rocket City Soccer and the City of Madison Board of Education for use of the Madison City Schools stadium as the host facility for Rocket City United Soccer Club home games and for the National Premier Soccer League post-season play during 2011.it may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this area.

It will be the second season for the team to play in the Madison City stadium if the agreement is approved and reached. The cost to the team will be $250 per event.It was quick and light when I used dsttマジコン on a Windows 7 laptop, and gave me no trouble throughout a day of rigorous testing. The Madison City Parks and Recreation Department will assist in both preparation and clean-up of the stadium before and after events.

The City Council will meet tonight at 6 at the Madison Municipal Complex,Light up the architecturally table lamps interesting parts of your home. 100 Hughes Road.

