
City of Winfield holding LED contest

City of Winfield holding LED contest

In an endeavor to go “green” and save energy the city has changed out eleven of their existing light bulbs with new energy-efficient LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs and would like to invite the public to participate in a contest to gain feedback.

The contest will run from May 23 to June 3 and is open to all Winfield Municipal electric utility customers. The first five people that correctly identify all eleven lights will receive a free Efficiency Kansas home energy audit worth $100.00.This is also known as your return on investment ledbright or ROI. It is important to spread the ROI over the life of the LED lamp life to truly see the short and long-term energy and maintenance savings. (Not to worry, the contest form will give you specific areas of the city in which to conduct your search!) In the event that no one correctly identifies all eleven,The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs, the first five people to correctly identify the most out of the eleven lights will win an Efficiency Kansas energy audit.You can easily say that it is a passion or a way to express yourself. So what's the story? Ok you buy yourself r4onsale a nice descent car and you have to pick among a huge collection of automotive accessories something to make "your" car unique.

“LED lighting represents a significant energy-savings over our current outdoor lighting ranging from 65 percent to as much as 92 percent in some of the trial cases. Add to that the fact that LED’s have such a great longevity factor,These were some reasons why people are keen to use these lights, hope that they will be used brightstal in a similar way in future as well.

require very little maintenance labor, are environmentally friendly (they contain no mercury) and you can see why we’re excited about them!” said Alan Dykes,These lights are adopted by the various security lightbright agencies as these are the best lights to use with a security camera or a security device. energy manager for the City of Winfield.

Complete rules and contest forms may be picked up at the Operations Center front desk at 2701 E. Ninth Ave., or the Utility Billing desk at 200 E. Ninth Ave., during normal business hours Monday through Friday May 18-June 1.

“Even if you choose not to participate in the contest, as you are out and about in the evenings, please take the time to check out the new lighting and let us know what you think,” Dykes said.

