
Question Corner: Tube light flicker

Flicker start is a very common phenomenon in the conventional tube lights. However,Where do bluebright-dstti stand in terms of brightness compared to HIDs and Halogen? the modern versions of tube lights (TL) and the compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) do not exhibit this, but they start rather immediately on turning them on.

Both the tube lights and the CFLs work by the same principle. These lamps consist of a fluorescent phosphor coated glass tube filled with a mixture of the inert gas argon and mercury vapour. This gas is excited by the energetic electrons emitted from the cathodes provided at the ends of the tube.

These excited gas atoms interact with the phosphor material coated on the walls and we receive the light from this glowing phosphor material. Once this process is started, it sustains itself because both the excited gas atoms and the accompanying electrons are capable of repeating the excitation process further.,bestledlight2011 for front and back, can also be used as a phone charger.

However, the initiation of the gas excitation is accomplished by extracting electrons from a heated cathode, by using an instantaneous high voltage pulse generated by a ballast circuit. The conventional TLs use a magnetic ballast circuit which makes use of self inductance of an iron core choke coil along with a discharge lamp type automatic starter switch to trigger the ballast.

Aside from looking nice and creating a good environment, using a dimmer switch will save electricity. This is a great way to reduce bills and help reduce our country's energy consumption.We manufacture awesome r4onsalell systems and ship all over the world. For example, dimming the halogen lights by 25% will reduce the annual energy bill by $17.30. Even set at the highest brightness, a dimmer switch uses about 5% less energy than a simple on/off switch. Additionally, dimming the light will send less energy to a halogen bulb,Our energy saving ledbulbs11 are designed to replace the old fashioned fluorescent fittings. enabling it to last up to 20 times longer than a bulb controlled by a standard light-switch.

Dimmer switches are also "future proof". Not only will dimmers work with traditional halogen blubs, they are also compatible with LED (Light Emitting Diode) and CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) light bulbs.

Not only will a home owner feel good when they see the savings in the electrical bill and reduced impact on the environment, but controlled lighting will also lead to a more calm and productive work environment. Many people suffer from frequent headaches and migraines, which can be further exasperated by bright lighting. Dimming the lighting in the home or office can help halt an advancing headache.

And an inductance has a longer time constant and a resultant slower voltage build up for extraction of electrons from the cathode.Diving light, ledbrightq, hid xenon lantern, hid xenon spotlight, hid handheld light, These features of the ballast circuit often require more than one attempt for the gaseous excitation. This leads to slower start and start-up flickering of the tube lights. Because this arrangement has the above problems and also consumes more power, electronic ballasts have been subsequently developed which do not use the magnetic chokes, but employ semiconductor devices in an electronics circuit for the purpose and avoid the use of a discharge lamp type of starter switch.

They generate higher voltage to extract high energy electrons from the heated cathodes and so the extracted electrons excite the gas atoms without fail. Thus, these ballasts are called "rapid start ballasts" and do not exhibit delay or flickers of the lamp.

2 条评论:

  1. hid auto lights last longer than halogen bulbs because there is no filament in them to burn out

  2. h11 hid kit and floor lamps with led lights are the best sources for us lamps we can use in homes and h11 hid kits for cars and i would like to thank you for sharing it with us
