Minister for Water and Power Syed Naveed Qamar has requested the Special Committee of the National Assembly on Power Sector to help early passage of Pakistan Energy Conservation Bill from the Parliament for moving towards less power consumption.
On Tuesday,it takes bestledlig to power incandescent light bulbs versus energy-saving CFLs and LEDs utilizing a special hand crank demonstration device.To showcase how light bluecrystal1 can be used in various urban environments, Philips has launched the Lighting Experience Center the minister informed the Special Committee of the National Assembly, constituted to look into the reasons leading to the current power crisis as well as to propose steps to bring down shortage, that the legislation was pending in the Parliament and if passed would help conserve energy in the country.
He said that various other measures were also being considered for implementation including Building Energy Code.
The meeting was informed that energy Audits conducted recently in different official buildings had revealed that 30 percent of their total existing consumption could be saved through conservation measures.
Building Energy Audit of Pak Secretariat Blocks reflect average yearly saving potential in the seven segments ie lights,Unlike the ccrystall previous generation of submersible LED lights, these ring lights have a number of LED light sources in a circle around a central opening that contains the water jet. fans, air conditioners, computers, printers, copiers and heaters collectively at as much as 38 percent of existing energy consumption.
The total yearly average electricity consumption could be reduced from 3 MW to 1.Bill Watkins, CEO of LED-lighting company Bridgelux goodleddownlight , talks about the market for clean-tech manufacturing9 MW with minimum investment of Rs 10 million per block.
Pakistan can not afford to capture these low hanging fruit of energy in the building sector.
Moreover, efficient lighting system for Capital Development Authority and other development Authorities through Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) would save up to 50 percent if not more.
The committee was informed conversion of billboards and replacement of inefficient water pumping system etc can lead to considerable power savings.
The government may issue directives to capture such energy conservation potentials in CDA and all other development authorities.
The above decisions would be implemented with the support of private sector through performance contracting mechanism, which is the business model for such endeavours world-wide, the committee was informed.
Moreover, there is also a proposal for promotion of ESCOs under Public Private Partnership (PPP) for Replacement of Lighting Systems at selected roads in Islamabad.
Various roads in Islamabad are presently consuming electricity which can be conserved through replacement of existing lighting systems with efficient technologies.Cleverly combined with bestledlight2011 LED lights and controls, it offers a highly efficient lighting solution throughout the day.
The ENERCON has suggested ESCOs performance contracting mechanism whereby the private sector will bear the cost for the replacement of existing lighting systems and CDA will share the reward with ESCOs against savings in their monthly electricity bills of these lighting systems.
The ENERCON has also taken up the initiative of promotion of solar energy vendors market through an effort to solarize the Telecom Towers and Billboards.
On Tuesday,it takes bestledlig to power incandescent light bulbs versus energy-saving CFLs and LEDs utilizing a special hand crank demonstration device.To showcase how light bluecrystal1 can be used in various urban environments, Philips has launched the Lighting Experience Center the minister informed the Special Committee of the National Assembly, constituted to look into the reasons leading to the current power crisis as well as to propose steps to bring down shortage, that the legislation was pending in the Parliament and if passed would help conserve energy in the country.
He said that various other measures were also being considered for implementation including Building Energy Code.
The meeting was informed that energy Audits conducted recently in different official buildings had revealed that 30 percent of their total existing consumption could be saved through conservation measures.
Building Energy Audit of Pak Secretariat Blocks reflect average yearly saving potential in the seven segments ie lights,Unlike the ccrystall previous generation of submersible LED lights, these ring lights have a number of LED light sources in a circle around a central opening that contains the water jet. fans, air conditioners, computers, printers, copiers and heaters collectively at as much as 38 percent of existing energy consumption.
The total yearly average electricity consumption could be reduced from 3 MW to 1.Bill Watkins, CEO of LED-lighting company Bridgelux goodleddownlight , talks about the market for clean-tech manufacturing9 MW with minimum investment of Rs 10 million per block.
Pakistan can not afford to capture these low hanging fruit of energy in the building sector.
Moreover, efficient lighting system for Capital Development Authority and other development Authorities through Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) would save up to 50 percent if not more.
The committee was informed conversion of billboards and replacement of inefficient water pumping system etc can lead to considerable power savings.
The government may issue directives to capture such energy conservation potentials in CDA and all other development authorities.
The above decisions would be implemented with the support of private sector through performance contracting mechanism, which is the business model for such endeavours world-wide, the committee was informed.
Moreover, there is also a proposal for promotion of ESCOs under Public Private Partnership (PPP) for Replacement of Lighting Systems at selected roads in Islamabad.
Various roads in Islamabad are presently consuming electricity which can be conserved through replacement of existing lighting systems with efficient technologies.Cleverly combined with bestledlight2011 LED lights and controls, it offers a highly efficient lighting solution throughout the day.
The ENERCON has suggested ESCOs performance contracting mechanism whereby the private sector will bear the cost for the replacement of existing lighting systems and CDA will share the reward with ESCOs against savings in their monthly electricity bills of these lighting systems.
The ENERCON has also taken up the initiative of promotion of solar energy vendors market through an effort to solarize the Telecom Towers and Billboards.