
With Christmas lights, more not always better

Outdoor Christmas decorations, along with other aspects of the holiday, seem to show up earlier each year — as do the first ads for seasonal shoppers with those familiar yuletide jingles that become irritating real fast.

It once was the case that people didn't start putting up their lights until after Thanksgiving, but I noticed that some did so a full two weeks before that this year. A lady in my neighborhood literally took down her Halloween decorations and put up ones for Christmas on the same day.

But I'm here to say that earlier does not necessarily translate into better as far as taste, and the same goes for those who try to outdo their neighbors in terms of sheer numbers of lights.

I do not profess to be an expert in decorating, but some of the light schemes to be seen these days are truly beautiful and tasteful while others are downright tacky and tasteless. A few look as though they came from a bad Chinese factory, or were put up by a frustrated theme park worker who's been smoking crack.

The best ones seem to have a central premise, such as a manger scene, for example, with all the key characters arranged in a nice balanced manner and a system of lights that complement the main components. The same can be true of a Santa and sleigh scene, a snowman with carolers or large messages such as "Merry Christmas" or "Peace on Earth."

To me, a truly attractive light display should resemble a portrait on a canvas, with all the pieces working together to create an object of art.

However, too many yards seem to be the product of a proud homeowner trying to fill every space with some kind of gaudy object and string lights on all available shrubs, tree limbs,We can produce led light,goodledbulbsss,led lamp according to your requirements.The Trion 600 is the first top of the line bluebright system with HID brilliance that ... fences, driveway borders and structures on the property. You know the ones I'm talking about.There are 4 types of batteries found in r4onsalell systems today. Their designers obviously have gone to great effort and expense, but have ended up with just a big mess of disorganized colors and objects instead.This was a red gooddvinglamp but I swapped it with blue LEDs.

Some of the best lighting schemes I've ever seen on a home exterior usually highlight a single color, such as nice blue or clear lights, and maintain a uniform pattern of decorations along the lines of the house and key features of the lawn. There also might be candles of the same color in all the windows.

The fancier ones I've gazed upon in recent years are computer-controlled, which allows such things as reindeer in the front of a yard being lit in a sequence to make them seem to be moving — then all flashing at once.

In other words, the finer decorations reflect a philosophy of elegant simplicity and don't overwhelm the viewer with a mishmash of color. And the real tools that make them effective are imagination and creativity rather than just throwing together a mass of confusion.

The sheer brightness of some of these exhibitions also is a problem. Frankly, people, you want passersby to enjoy them — not be blinded to the point they run off the roadway. The layout also shouldn't resemble an airport runway to any pilots who happen to be flying overhead (along with Santa).

Although the main motivation behind some of the more-garish arrangements seems to be the big egos of certain homeowners, it ought to be the enrichment of the viewing public. If I were king of the world, I'd require each home lighting display to be inspected and approved by a special board before it can be introduced to the rest of the community and maintained for more than a month.We are professional led tube,brightcrystal2011,led bulbs manufacturers and factory in China.

