
Buffalo Common Council Report

Buffalo Common Council Report
The Council adopted a Resolution sponsored by Council Member Michael J. LoCurto requesting that the City Law Department provide the Council with a written opinion concerning the process and timeline that would need to be followed to reduce the total number of Council Districts to eight (8) and to return the position of President of the Council to an elected at-large, citywide four (4) year term of office. Currently, the Council is comprised of nine (9) council districts, each represented by a District Council Member who is elected to a four (4) year term of office by the district’s voters.

During the Council’s Biennial Reorganization Meeting, the Members choose from within their ranks, a President, who serves for a two (2) year term of office. This process would continue pending any legislative change by the Council that would also require citywide voter approval through a referendum. If passed at referendum, the changes could take effect during the 2015 City of Buffalo election cycle for elected terms of office beginning on January 1, 2016.


The Council adopted a resolution sponsored by Ellicott District Council Member Darius G. Pridgen requesting that all City of Buffalo departments and agencies appear before the Council on a bi-annual basis to discuss any pertinent changes, issues, and updates to their respective departments or agencies.Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. The City of Buffalo is comprised of numerous departments and agencies that are responsible for the daily operations of the City. The Council, as the legislative branch of the City of Buffalo, has a duty to oversee these departments and protect the interests of City residents and business owners.

The Council maintains that in order to create a more efficient and transparent government for the City, it would be beneficial for City departments and agencies to meet with the Council twice during the year specifically to discuss key changes in the department or agency’s structure, the department’s duties and responsibilities, key personnel whom Council Members should be familiar with, challenges and opportunities currently facing the department or agency, and any other important information that Council Members should be aware of.


The Council adopted a resolution sponsored by Delaware District Council Member Michael J. LoCurto and co-sponsored by South District Council Member Michael P. Kearns banning the sale to minors, any items that could be used to vandalize public or private property, including aerosol spray paint cans, broad-tipped markers and etching acids. The vandalism at Delaware Park on May 21, 2011 left the park in need of thousands of dollars worth of repairs.

Graffiti is the most common type of property vandalism and accounts for approximately 35 percent of all property vandalism according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Graffiti decreases the quality of life in a neighborhood and can make more obvious, the presence of gangs and crime. Graffiti decreases property values,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. frightens away businesses from neighborhoods, and often invites more crime into an area. Recently, anti-graffiti legislation has been passed in cities such as New York City, Toronto and Niagara Falls, NY.

The Council maintains that severe punishment must be dealt to those who vandalize or destroy property with graffiti. The resolution calls for parents of minor children caught making graffiti or in possession of graffiti instruments, to be required to pay a fine of up to $250 and the costs associated with restitution payments to either the City or to the private property owners involved.


The Council adopted a resolution sponsored by North District Council Member Joseph Golombek,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly Jr. requesting the City of Buffalo’s Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning, the Acting Corporation Counsel,Compact fluorescent lights have solved LED lighting supplier many of the problems associated with traditional filament light bulbs. and the Commissioners of the Departments of Public Works (“DPW”) and Permits and Inspection Services, to work together to conduct a thorough review of the advantages and disadvantages of allowing Light Emitting Diode (“LED”) signage in the City.

In 2007, the Council requested DPW to study the feasibility of changing the City’s current lighting technology to LED bulbs, which are typically brighter, have a longer useful life, consume less energy,The U600 works with Sprint's SmartView マジコン connection manager for Windows XP and above, and for Macs running OSX 10.5 and above. and are more cost efficient than traditional bulbs. For these reasons, businesses and commercial enterprises have increasingly looked to replace their traditional bulbs and lit signage with LED bulbs and signage. Although LED bulbs offers a number of advantages, the use of LED lighting in signage also has potential drawbacks including; distracting or blinding drivers, negatively impacting the quality of life in surrounding neighborhoods, and light pollution.

The Council maintains that a comprehensive review of the City of Buffalo’s laws, policies and procedures regarding use of LED signage is warranted at this time. The Council resolution also requested that the cited City Departments provide to the Council, suggestions for updating and strengthening where needed, the City’s laws, policies and procedures relating to the use of LED bulbs and signage.

